98. Our Favorite Carbs

Out of the Ordinary 98

This is a story about a God who offers Himself in the most ordinary, basic food we could ever imagine.

Always in the pantry---whether it's Wonderbread or a fancy French Baguette. There might be more to Christ calling himself, "the bread of life" than we've ever actually considered before.

No shortcuts; this is the long way around considering why our love for bread is so enduring.

Quotes from the show:

“How can a nation be great if its bread tastes like Kleenex?”

Julia Child

“There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.” —Mahatma Gandhi

Hymn: I am the bread of life.


Sponsor appreciation: In these uncertain times we're so grateful to partner with show sponsors that keep making our work possible.

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