83. Open House

This is a story about turning social media's usual ways upside down.
Are you weary of online spaces where everyone shouts and no one listens?
Do you wish the online world nurtured more goodness, truth, and beauty?
Would you like to grow and connect online in ways that transform and enrich your real, everyday life?
Then we’d love to invite you to the Black Barn Online!
There is no membership fee for joining in and helping to cultivate this community as we respond to guided conversations around creativity and faith.
The Black Barn Online Open House is happening right now: July 1-13! Come and check it out! CLICK HERE NOW: www.blackbarnonline.com
Sponsor appreciation: In these uncertain times we're so grateful to partner with show sponsors that keep making our work possible.
Click here to check out Laurel Springs for your waived registration fee and their flexible online K-12 program that is designed to encourage each student’s individuality and support their growth through a personalized approach to learning. http://laurelsprings.com/ordinary
Click here to get your Ministry to Business Guide, a proven path to making a living from your ministry. Filled with visual explanations and user-friendly tips, focusing on one proven strategy at a time, this is a jam-packed, super easy to follow playbook for how to earn an income from your passion. www.ministrytobusiness.com