244. Eat This!

If you're like us then you also associate summer with certain foods. And therefore with certain memories. These are the foods and memories that have shaped our summers for decades.
We hope listening leaves you hungry. And also, makes you remember. The tastes of your favorite summers and the memories that you can bite into when you close your eyes and picture your plate.
Listener invitation: Won't you tag us on Instagram and share YOUR favorite summer food memory with us? Just share a photo and tag @lisajobaker and @christiepurifoy
Podcast links:
Follow Lisa-Jo on Instagram @lisajobaker and Christie at @christiepurifoy and please leave a review about what you think about today's podcast!
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Sponsor appreciation: We're so grateful to partner with show sponsors that keep making our work possible.
Click here to visit Green Chef and use code ordinary60 to get 60% off plus free shipping! The #1 Meal Kit for Eating Well!
Click here to visit Nutrafol to grow thicker, heathier hair with $10 off with the code ORDINARY!
Click here to get 20% OFF @honeylove #honeylovepod
Click here to visit Stellar Eats and get 20% off your next order on healthy and tasty baking mixes!
Click here to visit Earth Breeze and get 40% off your next order with laundry detergent Eco Sheets!