2: The Antidote to Dissatisfaction

This is the story of eating a 3 course dinner soaking wet in the middle of a rainstorm in Zimbabwe. And the story of yellow leaves falling in the middle of summer in Pennsylvania.

And how we have often both been so desperate in our dissatisfaction it took us years to find the antidote. But in this episode we share what that looks like, how to apply it in your own life, and the very best place to take all your longing and dissatisfied dreams. In this episode we share some of the biggest demands we've made of God and how He's answered. It wasn't what we expected.

Join the conversation! Show us your rainstorm moments -- share on Instagram and tag @lisajobaker and @christiepurifoy  or use our hashtag #OutOftheOrdinaryPodcast so that we can benefit from your stories too!

See more of Maplehurst and meet Christie here.
See more of Lisa-Jo's daily, ordinary chaos over here.

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  1. Jami Majors on September 25, 2018 at 2:53 pm

    Loved this podcast! Is there a transcript available?

    • Christie on September 25, 2018 at 2:55 pm

      Thank you, Jami! Since our conversations are unscripted, I’m afraid we don’t have transcripts available. But if we can help out in any other way, please let us know! Thanks for listening. – Christie

  2. Beth Williams on October 13, 2018 at 3:29 pm

    You two have just mentioned a big problem in America today. So many young people feel entitled to stuff. I’ve heard said “you owe me a job because I have a degree.” This country owes you nothing. Far to many people have sacrificed to give us the freedoms we have. We need to embrace the season we are in like it or not. Sometimes it revolves around choices we made. Hubby has a good paying job now, but doesn’t like the commute & stress of the job. He’s done this type of work his whole career-30 yrs. for same company. Both hospital companies merged so there is not much chance of finding another job in the area. I think we’ve both feel like we’re ready for a change. He grew up in this area & I moved here in 1995 with my family. We met & have been married 14 years. We need to embrace this “hard” season of life. His father is dealing with Stage III Bladder Cancer. Had surgery to remove 3/4 of bladder & celebrated his 90th birthday. We must stay for a while longer. God says don’t worry about tomorrow & it’s troubles. Today has enough of its own. He wants us to enjoy this time in our life. It may not be easy, but look at how you’ve grown over the years-mentally & spiritually. See where God has taken & brought you. Pray about the next season.

    Blessings 🙂

  3. Beth Williams on October 13, 2018 at 3:33 pm

    Lisa Jo,

    Loved the story of eating soup in the rain. We can pray for things to happen & when they do we think we must run away. There’s a old country song with a line “We’re always wanting something else-each day I have to tell myself.” We must learn contentment in our situations & seasons.

  4. Top 5 Listens for Your Travel Week | Lisa-Jo Baker on November 19, 2018 at 1:53 pm

    […] Click here to listen. […]

  5. Standing in the rain of healing | A Kintsugi Life on November 21, 2018 at 7:06 am

    […] Episode 2 of the podcast, “The Antidote to Dissatifaction,” Lisa-Jo (who is originally from South Africa) tells a story of a large holiday dinner she […]