162. Take a Load Off

Out of the Ordinary 162

Key Conversation Points:

  • This year we have permission to know what happens isn't on us.
  • Lying in bed in a hole is okay in this new year with the Lord. He doesn't need a clean pantry or tidy bedrooms to be present with you in the hole.
  • Lisa-Jo said our body, day and new year is God's country. What does that mean?  Are you the King or Queen in your land?
  • Christie has a book coming out at the end of the month with another one due soon.  She still is calm in the middle of the hustle even though she has an insane workload right now. How does she do it? What does she say she needs more of? Do you agree?
  • This new Venite prayer app is more Scripture and prayers with no burden.
  • Advice from an amazing garderner: Every year something will be a disaster but something else will be a marvel.
  • It is our 4th New Year together on this podcast! We need your comments and 5 stars to fuel our hearts as we keep going!


Podcast links:

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