137. Too Small to Ignore

Today's Out of the Ordinary Book:
Too Small to Ignore, Wes Stafford
Key Conversation Points:
- How did Lisa-Jo and Christie's recent trip to Lancaster, PA remind Christie of Narnia?
- A Virtual Event is coming! Listen for details about this incredible unique celebration to see into Christie and Lisa-Jo's friendship and life.
- We must believe children in what they tell us about abuse. "I BELIEVE YOU!"
- Wes Stafford writes that there's an invisible war raging over our children but Satan and God don't forget they exist.
- What's a way to open up your home to children without having them in your home?
- Christie says, "If I have three children, then at the very least I should sponsor a child [with Compassion] for each one. If our family grows, then our Compassion family will grow."
- Find out how you can have access to French food with raspberries, lemon and chocolate.
Podcast links:
YOU'RE INVITED! On July 22 at 8pm EST TO A LIVE VIRTUAL EVENT with Christie and Lisa-Jo talking books and cooking from Louise Penny's cozy mystery series.
Click here for all the details.
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