124. Can You Trust Us?

INTRODUCING: Out of the Ordinary BOOKS! Where we believe that the books we read help us better understand the lives we lead.
Every week we will share an out of the ordinary book and how it can help you make sense of your story too.
These aren't book reviews or recommendations, these are conversations about some of our best friends, worst enemies, toughest coaches, most passionate lovers, and kindest teachers that line our book shelves.
As we begin season 3 of the Podcast, we thought it was time for a new twist to our conversations. And letting books be the jumping off point for these chats between two old friends we know you've come to love, adds a fun new dynamic to an old favorite. Whether you're a reader or not, we hope these conversations, as always, help you see the deeper story hidden right in plain sight in your ordinary life too.
Just share a screenshot of the new podcast on social media and tag with #outoftheordinarybooks
We'll pick one US-based and one International group of friends to join us for a virtual tea date. Tag all your friends you'd invite to join!
Today's Out of the Ordinary Book:
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro
Key Conversation Points:
- How to know if you are reading a trustworthy author?
- Why Lisa-Jo has a preference for comfort plots.
- Christie's love of puzzles, mysteries, and mazes. And why you might end up loving them too.
- That dead-end road in your life decoded.
Click here to join the conversations we have with listeners every week around the podcast.
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