220. The Gift of the Second Half

What did Christie say to shock Lisa-Jo? No one knew this fact about her husband.
"How do you recognize "enough" when you have it?" In the second half of life Lisa-Jo and Christie ponder how we let go of the season of hunger to settle for what's right in front of us. This season is more settled with a deeper and targeted work without a hungry need to consume everything. It's good to get to a point you feel full and not push past it. There's an overflow in life. Being more settled is a relief and a strength. This episode will really give you peace, if you're in the second part of life and give you something to look forward to, if you're not quite there yet.
Podcast links:Follow Lisa-Jo on Instagram @lisajobaker and Christie at @christiepurifoy and please leave a review about what you think about today's podcast!Click here to join the conversations we have with listeners every week around the podcast.
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