181. A Day In the Life: NOON EDITION

Key Conversation Points:
- Do you agree with medieval monks and think the middle of the day has a noon day demon waiting for us?
- Kathleen Norris writes in her book, Acedia & me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer's Life, "Might we consider boredom as not only necessary for our life but also as one of its greatest blessings....a precious chance to be alone with our thoughts and alone with God."
- Middle of the Day Quiz: Are you productive and focused like Lisa-Jo or need a boost like Christie?
- Madeleine L'engle's explanation about time from Walking on Water brings a godly perspective to our minutes and our days.
- Lisa-Jo quotes her past professor, a Catholic attoney, as she processes a holy rhythm of what God wants with our time which is more than billable hours.
Podcast links:
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